Thursday, August 1, 2013

THE LASTST UPDATED (20131211 updated)

Dear members and conference participants:

In the past few months, we received many suggestions from you that have helped us improve and better organize our upcoming conference and workshops in Taiwan next March. The suggestions are mainly concerned with the following two issues:

1. The conference schedule is too long resulting in extra cost; and
2. The submission deadline for the final paper should be extended

To response those suggestions, some changes are made:

1. Participants are invited to present their work in each individual workshop mainly. In the roundtable session of conference, only a brief summary and conclusion for each workshop will be presented. To enable everyone to access the presentations in each workshop, a brief summary of each paper is prepared and displayed as posters in the reception hall in front of conference room. Space will be arranged and provided for participants to communicate with each other.

2. We accept submission of full papers and will provide peer review for those who need it prior to the conference. Final papers were required after conference so that suggestions and responses from workshop and conference could be incorporated into your papers. The full papers will be included in a publication project after the conference. But, a draft paper must be submitted before the conference, so we can arrange your poster and print out your abstract or draft paper to make the discussion easier during to the conference. The format for the poster and the copy right agreement will be provided so you can select the information you wish to display in the reception Hall.

3. Workshop 1 - Urban social housing has been cancelled due to lack of papers. If you have submitted, or intend to join this workshop, please choose another workshop that may interest you.

We hope the above arrangement is all right with you. The new schedule is:

Registration and Poster submission: January 15th, 2014
Full draft paper submission: February 15th, 2014
Final full paper submission: April 15, 2014

Conference Schedule:
1. Pre-conference workshops: March 14 – March 16, 2014 (precise details vary depending on each workshop)
2. Opening Reception: evening of March 16
3. Main Conference -- Big Table Forum: March 17 – March 18, 2014
The posters Exhibition from March 16 to 19, 2014

If you find any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to seeing you in Taiwan.

Sincerely yours,

Chao-Ching Yu

Organizer, The committee for the 9th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network
Head of College of Design, Chung Yuan Christian University


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